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Some of the reasons people fall flat into illicit sex is over confidence; The stupid belief that you can be free around the opposite sex and nothing would happen. If you are too careless around the opposite sex, you will fall flat on your face!

(1)MONITOR YOUR CHATS . Don't allow people send you flirty messages, no matter how innocent it sounds, warn them and if they refuse to stop, block them!

(2)Limit the hugs and touches from people

(3)Don't allow anybody who is not your husband or fiance  call you pet names , it doesn't make any sense. Pet names turn the opposite on, if you don't know that, know it right now.

(4)BE SENSITIVE TO ATTRACTIONS . Don't be naive around the opposte sex, know when a man/ woman is sexually attracted to you and move back from that person. If they focus too much on your physique and body, they are sexually attracted to you,move back .

(5)KNOW WHEN YOU ARE SEXUALLY ATTRACTED TO SOMEONE AND MOVE BACK . It's perfectly normal to have chemistry for someone. Marrying the greatest man on earth or the most beautiful, virtous woman in the universe will not automatically stop you from being attracted to someone else. Know when the thought of another man/ woman get you excited and move back.

(6)DON'T JUMP AT NEW RELATIONSHIPS . Give it time. Study the person, know what they stand for, see if your core values are compatible, if not, move back !

(7)LEADERSHIP ATTRACTS ALL kinds of PEOPLE . If you are a leader or you are gifted, talented or intelligent, the opposite sex will show more interest in you, be careful whom you allow to get close to you.

(8)ACCEPTS GIFTS WITH CARE . Men don't joke with their time and money. If he spends so much time and money on you especially when you do not ask, he may one day ask for sex. Stop begging men for money. Work with your two hands and raise your standard. Men will respect and honour you for it.

(9)WORK ON YOUR MARRIAGE . Fix the problem as soon as possible or else you get attracted to someone who gives you what you lack in your marriage, adultery is the result.

(10)Don't stay with the opposite sex in a dark or lonely room.

(11)Don't counsel the opposite sex on a bed in a lonely room.

(12)Don't visit the opposite sex alone, it doesn't make sense.
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