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Showing posts from May 31, 2016


The gap between our experience and our expectation is our unhappiness. Experience is what’s happening to us.  Expectation is what we’d like to happen to us.  How many people do you know who live in a state of almost constant disappointment over their life situation?  They are simply comparing what they experience to what the expect, and leaving a huge gap between the two. There is a freedom away from this type of mind if we want to find it.  It takes a different mind set.  It will help if we can see the pain this behavior creates. Which can we control, experience or expectation?  Movies and TV often imply that we can control the world, or should be able to.  Science implies that control or prediction should be our greatest goal. An awake person realizes that we can control, or at least deal with the expectation part of this better than the experience part of this.  That realization is huge. ........ Thanks for your time Visit ...


Like Men are from Mars, Women are From Venus, The Five Love Languages is an immensely popular book on understanding your partner and building a good relationship. The premise is that individuals prefer to receive love in different ways. You need to learn how your partner best feels loved, and help your partner understand you do. According to author Gary Chapman the five languages are: (1). Words of affirmation => Tell them you love them, (2). Acts of service => Do the dishes without being asked, (3). Receiving gifts => come home with flowers for no reason, (4). Quality time => Go on a picnic, (5). Physical touch => Hold hands when you’re watching television.     A person often strongly prefers one “language” above the others. Figuring it out is easy – explain the premise of the theory and just ask which your significant other prefers. Then remember to act on it. .....Thanks for your time Visit my blogspot @ www.building-...