Marriage is the only institution on earth where your certificate is receive before its commencement and commitment. As a single guy who will become the future breadwinner of a family, there are certain things he must possess and these things shall be discuss briefly. 1. Stable Source of Income This is an important thing every guys must secured before heading to marriage. Be it a job or business, it is paramount for guys to have stable source of income in order to carry out the responsibilities of the family in terms of feeding, children's education, etc. Afterall the bible said "Money Answereth All Things..." 2. Shelter No lady wants to marries a guy who squats with his friends or stays @ his parents house. Also, no educated lady wants to marry a guy staying in a "face me and slap you" apartment. It is necessary for every guys to secure a comfortable apartment before getting married. 3. Cordial Relationship With Family and Dependable Friends ...
BUILDING A GOOD RELATIONSHIP{BGR} Is an NGO setup for the purpose of Elevating and Molding of Relationships. * "A Relationship Handles Carelessly is a RELATIONSHIP you never had passion for." * "A Relationship working perfectly well is a RELATIONSHIP work on." * "For a Relationship to be in a good condition your mindset needs to be in a good condition."