If you r Boss paid you 30,000 ever y Month and you saved all that money without touching a coin, you would need to work for 36months to get 1million. But if convinced an organization like the UN to give you a printing job of only 5,000 Umbrella and you made 200bob from each Umbrella that would be 5000*200= 1,000,000 In only 1day. It becomes crazy if you want to become a Billionaire, say a Boss pays You 1million per month and You saved all that money without touching a single coin, in a year you would only have 12million and you would need to work for 84years to get 1billion (How old are you??) However there 40million people in Kenya, if you supplies SALT to 12million of them once per month, Making 10bob per packet, it would only take you 1year to be a Billionaire.,,,,,,, If you must think rich and want to be Rich, Sto p Dealing With Bosses and starts dealing with Clients ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Thanks for your Time...
BUILDING A GOOD RELATIONSHIP{BGR} Is an NGO setup for the purpose of Elevating and Molding of Relationships. * "A Relationship Handles Carelessly is a RELATIONSHIP you never had passion for." * "A Relationship working perfectly well is a RELATIONSHIP work on." * "For a Relationship to be in a good condition your mindset needs to be in a good condition."