When You are Been given SEX at ease it means something is WRONG... Imagine as a guy you meant a Lady yesterday and after much talk today she decided to pay you a visit and before you knew it, you guys had SEX.... To You what a pleasure and a sharp guy you think you are!!!!!!!! Things just left you..... DESTINY HAD JUST BEEN EXCHANGED. SEX is a Spirit, during SEX exchange of destinies takes place without your awareness...... Alot of persons are experiencing different kind of problems today as a result of the SEX they had with a wronged woman or a wronged Man ; "Cause nothing goes for nothing" . If you must have SEX do it with just a partner don't be a DOG that has multiple partners ................. TO BE CONTINUED Blog 👉 www.building-a-goodrelationship.blogspot.com Like 👉 www.facebook.com/buildingagoodrelationship Email 👉 buildingagoodrelationship@gmail.com Tom General CEO/B...
BUILDING A GOOD RELATIONSHIP{BGR} Is an NGO setup for the purpose of Elevating and Molding of Relationships. * "A Relationship Handles Carelessly is a RELATIONSHIP you never had passion for." * "A Relationship working perfectly well is a RELATIONSHIP work on." * "For a Relationship to be in a good condition your mindset needs to be in a good condition."