How would you rate your relationship on a scale of 1-10 ❓ If you answered “5” or less, you are in a bad relationship that needs some fixing. 1 . MAKE TIME FOR EACH OTHER Absence is rumored to make the heart GROW fonder, but that doesn’t mean your relationship can thrive without any time devoted to it. Life gets busy, especially if you have kids/school/a job/a second job and OMG, ALL THE THINGS; but your relationship is a priority no matter how full your plate may be. Have a daily, 10- minute mini-date where you snuggle up with a silly YouTube video, take a quick walk, have some ice cream, or whatever you both enjoy. 2 . SWITCH UP DATE_NIGHT Dinner-and-a-movie is a staple for a REASON ( because it’s fun ), but it can grow stale without the occasional mix-up. For example: You could grab coffee or hot cocoa, go to a park on a breezy day and find yourself with a perfect excuse to cuddle. 3 . TAKE AN ADVENTURE Do something exciting to...
BUILDING A GOOD RELATIONSHIP{BGR} Is an NGO setup for the purpose of Elevating and Molding of Relationships. * "A Relationship Handles Carelessly is a RELATIONSHIP you never had passion for." * "A Relationship working perfectly well is a RELATIONSHIP work on." * "For a Relationship to be in a good condition your mindset needs to be in a good condition."