i want to share with you something i know very much that the devil doesn't want you to know and even if you know it, he will stop at nothing to make sure you are not conscious of it. But before i start, let me advise you. If you know that you are not going to read every word of this write-up through to the end, just skip to the next item on your profile (Probably one of the kinds of stuff the devil wants to keep feeding you mind with to blind you from the truth). Do yourself a favour by sparing the next 15 minutes to read this through You remember the story how it all started when God created man in His imagery so that man can be the God of the is world as He is in Heaven. He gave man a precious gift (Dominion). But man was careless with the gift and Satan stole it from man. He (Satan) guarded it so jealously that even the Bible recognises him as the god of this world. Anyway, i know you are familiar with that story but stick with me. I'm heading somewhere. You also remembe...
BUILDING A GOOD RELATIONSHIP{BGR} Is an NGO setup for the purpose of Elevating and Molding of Relationships. * "A Relationship Handles Carelessly is a RELATIONSHIP you never had passion for." * "A Relationship working perfectly well is a RELATIONSHIP work on." * "For a Relationship to be in a good condition your mindset needs to be in a good condition."